NIP-19: bech32-encoded entities
Bech32 encoding is used for the primary purpose of transportability between users/client/applications.
In addition to bech-32 encoding of the data a series of prefixes are also used to help easily differentiate between different data objects.
for public and private keys, respectively and note
for note ids.
Extra metadata may be included when communicating between applications to make cross compatibility more streamlined.
These follow a type-length-value structure and have the following possible prefixes: nprofile
, nevent
, nrelay
and naddr
For most of these examples you will see that the to_bech32()
and from_bech32()
methods generally facilitate encoding or decoding objects per the NIP-19 standard.
Public and Private (or secret) keys in npub
and nsec
print(f" Public key: {keys.public_key().to_bech32()}")
print(f" Secret key: {keys.secret_key().to_bech32()}")
Simple note presented in NIP-19 format.
event = EventBuilder.text_note("Hello from rust-nostr Python bindings!").sign_with_keys(keys)
print(f" Event : {}")
Using the Nip19Profile
class to create a shareable nprofile
that includes relay data to help other applications to locate the profile data.
# Create NIP-19 profile including relays data
relays = ["wss://"]
nprofile = Nip19Profile(keys.public_key(),relays)
print(f" Profile (encoded): {nprofile.to_bech32()}")
Using the Nip19
class to decode the previously shared profile data. This class helps generalize the decoding process for all NIP-19 objects.
# Decode NIP-19 profile
decode_nprofile = Nip19.from_bech32(nprofile.to_bech32())
print(f" Profile (decoded): {decode_nprofile}")
Using the Nip19Event
class to create a shareable nevent
that includes author and relay data. This is followed by decoding the event object.
# Create NIP-19 event including author and relays data
nevent = Nip19Event(, keys.public_key(), kind=None, relays=relays)
print(f" Event (encoded): {nevent.to_bech32()}")
# Decode NIP-19 event
decode_nevent = Nip19.from_bech32(nevent.to_bech32())
print(f" Event (decoded): {decode_nevent}")
Using the Coordinate
class to generate the coordinates for a replaceable event (in this case Metadata). This is followed by decoding the object.
# Create NIP-19 coordinate
coord = Coordinate(Kind(0),keys.public_key())
coordinate = Nip19Coordinate(coord, [])
print(f" Coordinate (encoded): {coordinate.to_bech32()}")
# Decode NIP-19 coordinate
decode_coord = Nip19.from_bech32(coordinate.to_bech32())
print(f" Coordinate (decoded): {decode_coord}")
For most of these examples you will see that the toBech32()
and fromBech32()
methods generally facilitate encoding or decoding objects per the NIP-19 standard.
Public and Private (or secret) keys in npub
and nsec
console.log(` Public key: ${keys.publicKey.toBech32()}`);
console.log(` Secret key: ${keys.secretKey.toBech32()}`);
Simple note presented in NIP-19 format.
let event = EventBuilder.textNote("Hello from Rust Nostr JS Bindings!").signWithKeys(keys);
console.log(` Event : ${}`);
Using the Nip19Profile
class to create a shareable nprofile
that includes relay data to help other applications to locate the profile data. This is followed by decoding the event object.
// Create NIP-19 profile including relays data
let relays = ["wss://"];
let nprofile = new Nip19Profile(keys.publicKey, relays);
console.log(` Profile (encoded): ${nprofile.toBech32()}`);
// Decode NIP-19 profile
let decode_nprofile = Nip19Profile.fromBech32(nprofile.toBech32());
console.log(` Profile (decoded): ${decode_nprofile.publicKey().toBech32()}`);
Using the Nip19Event
class to create a shareable nevent
that includes author and relay data. This is followed by decoding the event object.
// Create NIP-19 event including author and relays data
let nevent = new Nip19Event(, keys.publicKey, undefined, relays);
console.log(` Event (encoded): ${nevent.toBech32()}`);
// Decode NIP-19 event
let decode_nevent = Nip19Event.fromBech32(nevent.toBech32());
console.log(` Event (decoded): ${decode_nevent.eventId().toBech32()}`);
Using the Coordinate
class to generate the coordinates for a replaceable event (in this case Metadata). This is followed by decoding the object which uses the parse
// Create NIP-19 coordinate
let kind = new Kind(0);
let coord = new Coordinate(kind, keys.publicKey);
let coordinate = new Nip19Coordinate(coord, [])
let bech32Coordinate = coordinate.toBech32();
console.log(` Coordinate (encoded): ${bech32Coordinate}`);
// Decode NIP-19 coordinate
let decode_coord = Nip19Coordinate.fromBech32(bech32Coordinate);
console.log(` Coordinate (decoded): ${decode_coord}`);